Saturday, March 7, 2009

For the first time ever, Simba came up yesterday when I called him at naptime, laid on my tummy and allowed me to rub and pet him as he 'relaxed' into my body... Then, in a humorous kind of mood, he rotated between playing with my hand, and licking me to death!... Maybe he thought I needed a bath!

Once I got tired, he moved to the base of my neck, butt on the pillow, head on my shoulder blade and went to sleep... Right underneath my chin... Thankfully the little goober does not snore, so we both eventually went to sleep...

He's also mastered "get into your bed" as a command... He doesn't usually stay there, but I give the command, point and up into it he jumps... LOL... We're still working on the 'stay' with spread hand command... ...

Simba also allows my husband to pick him up, pet him and doesn't fly out of his hands any more... Maybe he's finally figured out no one here is going to hurt him... He and Zeus still 'snarf off' at each other periodically, but overall, he's learned tons of canine manners he didn't have before... He'll come to you now for kisses and food without fear you're going to hit him or harm him... It has all taken time...

Today he's going in to have his nails clipped by the best ever groomer... She's always handled all of my dogs and fosters, so I'm sure he won't give her too hard of a time... Maggie is the best - EVER~!!!... And next week, to the vets hopefully, depending on how well he does today...

I'm really touched at the love fest yesterday afternoon... I wasn't expecting it... He's done it at night beneath the blankee, but never out there in the open which I suspect he feels more vulnerable doing... We must have stayed at it for 30 minutes and I was doing my absolute best to not fall asleep because I didn't want it to end... But that's what a nap is for, right? LOL