A few weeks ago I was contacted by a fellow Chi lover who had been concerned about a little guy who lived at another neighbor's in their complex... The complex only allowed two dogs and this neighbor had temporarily taken in her daughter's senior Chihuahua... She already had two of her own dogs (a Shih Tzu and a Border Collie) and her two dogs didn't care much for this new 4-pound addition to their household...
I make no judgments here, OK?... I have learned in rescue that people do what they have to do and I keep my focus on what's best for the pups, not necessarily why they ended up in rescue... The day I retire from doing rescue actively, I will find a reputable Chihuahua breeder who has a longhaired Chi pup that will stay in the AKC standard and purchase it... Before I die, I would like to have the opportunity to fall in love with and care for a Chihuahua that's not been through the shelter/rescue system process, and I don't have to undo bad habits or issues, but (maybe) create some of my own in the pup!
Anyway, initially when I looked at Simba, I realized he was in no shape to be adopted at the present stage of his life and socialization... He is now about 10 years old and was adopted out of a shelter approximately 4 years ago... He has half a tail, stiffness in his hindquarters and is very introverted on top of it... For the past months, he's been on the outside balcony and not happy in the home he was in... I am not judging here (this is what the owner told me today)...
My philosophy with Chis is that I consider each and every one with a bit of an odd mindset for those in rescue... Some will never move onto their own furever home, but for the most part, most do... I get them healthy, rehabilitate them, do the basic dog obedience and then hopefully they get adopted... If they don't?... They will always have a furever home with me... And I look at each foster with this mindset - I hope they all move on, but I won't put down a Chi because of their issues, behavioral issues or other reasons... Only when the quality of their life has decreased until it is no longer quality... And I refuse to 'warehouse' these dogs in crates and kennels just to keep them alive... Rehabilitation (at least to me) means that they have good canine habits and manners, thriving in our Chi pack, getting along with the others, and interacting with my family (human) members and I in a home environment...
On my first meeting with Simba, I saw potential there... He was not aggressive but was extremely shy... I could get him to eat from my hand once I was down on the floor, but no way would he allow me to touch him, let alone pick him up... The stiffness is the back legs can be improved with a good diet and Synovi G3... Even the age does not put me off - Chis live from 15 to 20 years, so he's still a young guy in the grand scheme of things... Thankfully he is already neutered which I will judge people on... Failure to spay or neuter your dog IMHO is borderline inhumane... They live longer with less health issues and dogs intact have a 6 times great chance of biting someone than those that are no longer intact...
So I agreed to foster him and try to find him a furever home...
Last night I stopped by the local petshop and bought a few small sweaters in his size... Today I set up an environment close to what he is used to, but it is inside... Using an Xpen, I created the space of that balcony and put down a pitty pad holder and pad, plus a new ceramic water dish of his own, a few toys and elevated the kennel up off the floor to deter drafts...

Once home, I didn't do introductions with the pack like I normally do... I'm not sure he's ready for that at this stage of the game... The kennel door is open, he can come out freely if he chooses to, but he's been out only once tonight... His area is right aside of my computer desk for I spend a good deal of time online working off and on throughout the day... My goal for tonight was to just let him settle in and start getting accustomed to the sights, smells and noises round here...
Every journey begins with the first small baby step...