However, when he did come out, everyone else had to check him out...

He sure does have such a sweet little face though, doesn't he?... A bit of the tip-eared look, he's probably right at 4 pounds...

This morning I put Frito into the Xpen for he's my best intro Chi... Frito loves EVERYONE - big or small, human or canine... Frito didn't attempt to jump into Simba's kennel but just stood at the door, wagging his tail and waiting for an invite... They sniffed noses but not getting an invite, Frito respected Simba's space and we'll try it again later or tomorrow...
At lunchtime, Simba could not resist the smell (braised and drained chopped sirloin, with a bit of rice and veggies, plus some Synovi G3)... He must have been hungry because he came out of his kennel and ate with an audience... Both back legs are extremely stiff, but I did manage to snap some pictures of that tail... It looks like it was cut off completely, as if in an accident...

I noticed he was having a bit of trouble with that step into the kennel so I covered it with the rubber shelf liner stuff... That works excellent for gripping on surfaces... I use it all the time on the ramps for the Chis, the steps, etc... He hasn't tried it out yet since I did it, for it's 'afternoon Chi nap time' around here right now... (smile)...
I think he's doing pretty good so far for less than 24 hours... I'm guessing this is going to be a long, slow rehabilitation process, just by the way he carries what is left of his tail... Total lack of self-esteem for Chis love prancing about with their tails hung high and curled over their rear end... That's OK... Patience I have tons of!