Don't think he has spent much time on lead because he wasn't comfortable at all with it initially... We probably looked like goobers walking back and forth on the sidewalk with Simba in his harness and lead, the other Chihuahuas following along, wondering what we were doing!

I did manage to get some cute photos of him in the 'Chi penthouse' as we call it around here... I'm not sure if after the short training session, he was tired or what... But he watched me and slowly got so sleepy, he curled up in one of the beds and went to sleep...

Simba gives out kisses readily enough now... And not just for me, but for my daughter as well... "Give me a kiss" and you'll get one - that's progress... (smile)... He still has periodic 'anxious moments' as we have come to call them... Even though he is fitting in well around here and has figured out the 'order of the pack,' he gets these moments that can be considered nothing else but being anxious - unsure about what is going on - too much into the moment, etc.
The game plan this week was to work him enough that he'd do OK on a lead and get him into the vet's office for a complete blood work up (my own protectiveness issues)... I just like a benchmark on the older Chihuahuas... Right now, I think he'd freak out a bit if I attempted this, so maybe we'll postpone this until next week and I get more lead times with him... I could crate him and take him that way, but I'd rather not do that if I can have him be less stressed on lead...
50% of the time he'll come to me now (with or without food) and he's started following me around the house the majority of the time... Not insecure like but more, just interested in what I'm doing and what's going on... I watched him outside this afternoon, and he's so alert and into what is going on around him... I have a futon mattress up on a pallet out back and the Chihuahuas love laying out on it, sunbathing... Simba loves laying on a pillow (yes, on top of the mattress) and it gives him a bit of height that he can peer out across the backyard, breathing in the breezes, watching the world pass him by with slitted eyelids... Really sweet and nice to watch... Such a difference from weeks ago...