Simba has learned the joys of the Chihuahua penthouse... it is two industrial sized shelves made out of hard plastic, 2 shelves high and in an "L" shape with a ramp at the apex where they meet... The morning sun comes in through one large living room window and on the other side of "L", the Chis lay and look out the front window towards the street and neighborhood... It's a favorite spot of my crew, not just for the sunny spot to sunbathe, but because it is right aside of my computer desk and filled with plush Cleopatra style doggie beds and fleecy blankees...
Simba's still going through those anxiety moments where I suspect he wants affection because everyone else is getting it, but 'the moment' is too much for him so he starts 'anxiety barking and snapping'... He's head- and back-shy, so you have to be very careful in how you approach one of these moments with him... Last night I showed my husband how to either snatch him up and calm him down with words and strokes, or to slightly nudge him in the chest to get his attention and redirect the anxiety...
No wonder people have such difficulties at times, dealing with abused dogs... My husband's had, trained and been around dogs his entire life (although he favored the much bigger breeds - Rotties, Ridgebacks, Akitas, Huskies, etc. - until he met me!)... These little guys are so radically different than the bigger breeds and the Chi is a species all themselves!... LOL...
Today's my therapy day at the seniors facility and this will be the longest Simba has been left alone (and without the better behaved crew around) - with the exception of Peanut... As well trained and behaved as she is, she's not 100% reliable to do therapy with... She's still an ankle-nipper when there are territory triggers (especially here at the house), so I'll leave her here to 'patrol the perimeter'... LOL... You can never tell how long therapy days will be - it's really up to how the folks are doing there, so I scheduled this during the morning nap time and believe Simba will do that while I'm gone...
He'll have to learn there is a plateau of changes that occur around here eventually anyway... There are two families interested in adopting Yoda and there's a good possibility Yoda will not come back home with me after adoptions on Saturday... I will be sorry when Yoda moves on (and if I am honest, I expect to shed a few tears when he leaves for he and I have been through a lot together, not just the daily baths for his 'stinky-butt' Demodex and finding new and creative ways to get that ivermectin down him every day!)... Simba will eventually learn there is a 'core' that stays here (and always will) but we have visitors (fosters) that come and go without much advance warning... Some things are consistent (such as Peanut and her rules!!!), but others change as the need arises...
I believe I am going to take a break from fostering for awhile, especially if Yoda gets adopted this weekend... Spring is coming and I do a lot of work outside on the yard, plus it won't be long now that Simba's rehabilitation will move into another aspect (dog obedience - Oh MY!)... Hopefully there won't be any more major dog kills going on in the local shelters in the next few weeks/months so I can once again concentrate on what I have going on around here and in my own life! (crossing fingers)...
Off to get dressed, feed the crew and 'saddle up' the four Chi Musketeers to go brighten some senior folks' lives today!
P.S. I did snap a photo of Simba in the penthouse and will post later when I get back!