I have my normal routine pretty well down pat... Every week all the doggie beds get washed and every other week, I wash all the stuffed toys in the washer... I know - weird - but because they drag the toys in and out of the house, and then sleep with me, I just don't want them mouthing and playing with stinky toys...
Simba wasn't quite sure about all of this... I guess he didn't like the way his old best bud (the green giraffe) now smelled, 'cause he tossed it out of the doggie bed he prefers during the day, grabbed this teddy bear devil toy, got a big 'familiar' with it and then circled up and went to sleep with his new best (his smell) 'bud'... LOL... What a goober!

Simba sleeps with us every night now, and with me during my midday nap... He has a favorite spot of his own and in the morning, will even snuggled up against me before we get out of bed... This morning as I was sitting on the bed, he did a new one - burrowing underneath my robe and ended up sitting behind me, but underneath my robe... Almost like a reverse pregnancy - know what I mean?... He also consistently climbs onto my daughter's lap or on the futon by her side...
Here and there we still go through those mini anxiety attacks when handing out TLC and pets... But they are decreasing in frequency and if you use either the 'easy' or 'quiet' command, you can work him out of them pretty rapidly...
Now that we have the new harness on, I'm going to attempt to put him on lead and see how he does... I suspect it will scare him and he'll not do too well, but it's a natural progress of things... I'd have rather had a 6' lead, but the set only comes in 5' lengths... We'll see how things go... He seems to have adjusted the new harness without much issue at all... Sweet little thing... Simba certainly has come a very long way in a very short amount of time!